Steven Tingay

Steven Tingay

John Curtin Distinguished Professor (Radio Astronomy), Curtin University

Prof. Steven Tingay is Executive Director of the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA) at Curtin University.

In 2016/17 he was on secondment in Italy, at the Italian National Astrophysics Institute (INAF), first as Direttore dell'Osservatorio di Radio Astronomia (ORA) and then as Director of the Institute of Radioastronomy and Head of Section II (Radio Astronomy) of the INAF Science Directorate.

He was founding Director of the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy at Curtin University (2007 - 2016), Deputy Director of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (2009 - 2016), and Director of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) project (2011 - 2016). Tingay has authored or co-authored over 200 papers in international refereed journals since 1994 and has attracted over $80m of research funding.

His main interests are in radio astronomy, astrophysics and radio astronomy instrumentation. Over the last ten years, Tingay has led the development of software and hardware that has upgraded Australia's suite of radio telescope facilities.

He led the MWA project, a $50m low-frequency radio telescope in the remote Murchison region of Western Australia through design, prototype, construction, and operations phases. The MWA is a Precursor for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Tingay has been an active contributor to the international SKA project for the last decade and has moved to Italy to lead the Italian SKA program.