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Curious Kids: What is exotic matter, and could we use it to make wormholes?
By Carolyn Devereux published
Curious Kids: what is exotic matter, and could we use it to make wormholes? – Julia, aged 14, London
#MeToo in space: We must address the potential for sexual harassment and assault away from Earth
By Maria Santaguida, Judith Lapierre, Simon Dubé published
The realities of sexuality and intimacy in space are mostly omitted from discussions of human factors associated with working and living in space.
'Spooky action at a distance' can lead to a multiverse. Here's how.
By Paul Sutter published
Some interpretations of quantum mechanics propose that our entire universe is described by a single universal wave function that constantly splits and multiplies.
How the space race started a technological revolution in agriculture (op-ed)
By Al Savage published
GPS is integral in bringing new technology to farms, such as autonomous tractors, smart sprayers with AI and better tools for data collection.
For the 1st time, Mars robots found meteorite impact craters by sensing seismic shock waves
By Katarina Miljkovic published
In new research, we used data from InSight to detect and locate four high-speed meteoroid collisions, and then tracked down the resulting craters.
How massive stars steal planets
By Richard Parker published
Our new paper shows how massive stars in such stellar nurseries can steal exoplanets away from each other — and what the signs of such theft are.
Pregnancy in space: Studying stem cells in zero gravity may determine whether it's safe
By Joanna Bridger, Emmanouil Karteris published
Super-Earths are more common and more habitable than Earth. Astronomers are finding more of the billions out there.
By Chris Impey published
Astronomers now routinely discover planets orbiting stars outside of the solar system — they're called exoplanets.
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