Finland becomes 53rd country to join the Artemis Accords for moon exploration

illustration of four spacesuited astronauts on the moon, with earth in the background
Artist's impression of a moon exploration scenario. (Image credit: ESA-ATG)

The Artemis Accords has just gained its 53rd member nation, bolstering NASA's efforts to establish peaceful and cooperative international space exploration.

Finland joined NASA's Artemis Accords on Jan. 21 through a signing ceremony that took place on the sidelines of the Winter Satellite Workshop 2025 in Espoo, Finland. The signing makes the Nordic country the latest to commit to the safe and responsible exploration of space that benefits humanity, according to a NASA statement.

"Finland has been part of the space exploration community for decades with Finnish companies and research institutes producing many innovations and technologies," Finland's Minister of Economic Affairs, Wille Rydman, said in a different statement.

image showing the flags of 53 nations superimposed over a photo of the moon

Finland signed the Artemis Accords on Jan. 21, 2025, becoming the 53rd nation to do so. (Image credit: NASA)

"With the Artemis Accords, we will strengthen our partnership with the United States and other allies. Our aim is that the cooperation will open up opportunities for the Finnish space sector in the new era of space exploration and the Artemis program," Rydman added.

"Today, Finland is joining a community of nations that want to share scientific data freely, operate safely, and preserve the space environment for the Artemis Generation," said NASA Associate Administrator Jim Free, in pre-recorded remarks for the ceremony.

Related: Artemis Accords: What are they & which countries are involved?

The Artemis Accords were founded in October 2020, when eight original countries signed up. The Accords are a set of statements that set out common principles, guidelines and best practices for exploration of the moon and beyond. The Accords also affirm principles set out in 1967 in the Outer Space Treaty to help govern international cooperation space.

Finland follows Liechtenstein, Thailand, Panama and Austria as the most recent in a growing list of international signatories.

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Andrew Jones
Contributing Writer

Andrew is a freelance space journalist with a focus on reporting on China's rapidly growing space sector. He began writing for in 2019 and writes for SpaceNews, IEEE Spectrum, National Geographic, Sky & Telescope, New Scientist and others. Andrew first caught the space bug when, as a youngster, he saw Voyager images of other worlds in our solar system for the first time. Away from space, Andrew enjoys trail running in the forests of Finland. You can follow him on Twitter @AJ_FI.