The 101 Best Night Sky Photos of 2015 by Stargazers

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse from Maltese Islands

Andrea Muscat

Comets, meteors, a supermoon and more wowed readers this year. See the most amazing night sky photos of 2015 by amateur astronomers and stargazers around the world in our year-end gallery here. HERE: This image of the Supermoon lunar eclipse was captured from the Maltese Islands by Andrea Muscat on Sept. 27, 2015. Supermoon Lunar Eclipse: See our complete Blood Moon coverage.

Click through to see the rest of 2015's best night sky photos.

Supernova in Superwind Galaxy by Justin Ng

Justin Ng

Astrophotographer Justin Ng took this image of the so-called Superwind galaxy NGC 4666 from Singapore on Jan. 2, 2015.

One Wolf Moon

Jennifer Rose Lane

Astrophotographer Jennifer Rose Lane sent in a photo of the full moon, taken on Jan. 5, 2015, in Chapmanville, West Virginia. The full moon of January is known as the "Wolf Moon" or "Old Moon."

Dora the Aurora Explorer

Dora Miller/

Astrophotographer Dora Miller, who goes by the nickname of "Aurora Dora," sent in a photo of an auroral display taken in Talkeetna, Alaska, on Jan. 7, 2015. She writes in an email message to “We had a nice G3 geomagnetic storm this week creating impressive auroras. The auroras were all over the sky, from [over]-head coronas to displays in every direction and, unexpectedly, mostly [to the] south.”

Comet Lovejoy

Miguel Claro/

Astrophotographer Miguel Claro took the images from Juromenha, Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve, Portugal on Jan. 11, 2015.

Comet Lovejoy Photograph by Howes

Nick Howes

Comet Lovejoy shines in this amazing photo taken by astronomer Nick Howes using the Tzec Maun Network on Jan. 8, 2015. [Read the Full Story]

Seven Sisters Meet Mr. Lovejoy

Sean Parker/

Astrophotographer Sean Parker caught Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 along with the Pleiades star cluster on Jan. 20, 2015. He is based in Tucson, Arizona. He writes in an email message to “I spent the night out in the desert yesterday photographing the night sky. It's been a while since I was excited to photograph it due to bad weather … but it was great to get back out there. Here is 6 x 2-minute exposures of comet Lovejoy and M45 [the Pleiades] using an startracker.”

I'm Being Followed By Moon Shadows

Efrain Morales Rivera

Astrophotographer Efrain Morales Rivera of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, sent in a composite photo showing the rare triple shadow transit of Jupiter's moons, Io, Callisto and Europa, on Jan. 24, 2015. These transits occur when the natural satellites of Jupiter pass in front of the sun, as seen from the planet. When the larger Galilean satellites do so, their shadows can be seen from Earth. A triple shadow transit occurs on Jupiter only about once or twice a decade, on average, and the next one will occur in 2032. The smaller photos in the image show the progression of the event, starting at the left and moving clockwise.

Echoes of the Past

Connor Hicks

Astrophotographer Connor Hicks submitted a photo of star trails over the

That's Snow Moon

Robert McMillan

Astrophotographer Robert McMillan sent in a photo of the "Snow Moon" of February 2015, taken in the central belt of Scotland.

‘Chasing the Seven Sisters’

Matt Zietzke

Astrophotographer Matt Zietzke, based in western Washington state, sent in a photo of the night sky featuring Orion constellation and the Pleiades star cluster (the Seven Sisters). He writes on the 500px website: “Capturing Orion the Hunter in his eternal chase of the seven Pleiades sisters.” Image taken Feb. 15, 2015.

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Tom Chao
Tom Chao has contributed to as a producer and writer since 2000. As a writer and editor, he has worked for the Voyager Company, Time Inc. New Media, HarperCollins and Worth Publishers. He has a bachelor’s degree in Cinema Production from the University of Southern California, and a master’s degree from NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. To find out what his latest project is, you can follow Tom on Google+.