The 101 Best Night Sky Photos of 2015 by Stargazers

Everybody Walk the Dinosaur

Manish Mamtani

Astrophotographer Manish Mamtani provided a number of shots he took in Borrego Springs, California (south of Palm Springs), during the weekend of April 17-19, 2015. Here, dinosaur sculptures of Ricardo Breceda stand under the night sky. Mamtani writes in an email message to “It is fun to [view] these sculptures in the day but during the night, with the Milky Way, they become even more beautiful.”

Riding the Fence

Peter Day

Astrophotographer Peter Day sent in a photo of stars appearing to trail through the night sky over Park City, Utah, on April 22, 2015. He reports in an email to that he was out hunting for Lyrid meteors, which he captured in other photographs taken during the same session.

Photographer's Cosmic Passion Leads to Stunning Night Sky Images

Connor Hicks

Photographer Connor Hicks took some amazing images of the night sky near his home in Portsmouth, United Kingdom. [Read the Full Story]

Stargazer Enjoys Venus View from Giant's Causeway in Ireland (Photo)

Miguel Claro/

A stargazer enjoys a dazzling view of the planet Venus in this spectacular photo taken above the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland. [Read the Full Story]

Milky Way Over Indian Astronomical Observatory

Navaneeth Unnikirshnan

Astrophotographer Navaneeth Unnikirshnan sent in a photo of the Milky Way taken on April 22, 2015, over the Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle, Ladakh, India.

Reflect the Sky

Joshua Blash

Astrophotographer Joshua Blash sent in a photo of the Milky Way rising over Rye Beach, New Hampshire, on April 25, 2015. He writes in an email message to “I headed out late Friday night to see what the sky looked like over at the beach. I was surprised to find that despite the low tide, the entire beach had a thin film of water on it, making for some pretty cool reflections.”

Moonrise Over Ocean City, New Jersey

Jim Abels

Astrophotographer Jim Abels traveled to Ocean City at the bottom of New Jersey to capture this moonrise and the Milky Way. Image submitted April 25, 2014.

Finland Has It All

Thomas Kast/

Astrophotographer Thomas Kast sent in a photo of an aurora, twilight and stars, seen in Vihiluoto, Finland, on April 28, 2015. He writes in an email to "I just came back from most likely seeing the last auroras of the season here in Finland. With bright summer nights taking over, there was only a small window of opportunity tonight to catch some auroras…. As you see in the photo, the aurora not only had to fight against the twilight but also the city lights of Oulu on the right and the bright moon to its left…. It was amazing to see such a sky show late in April, just before the bright nights. For two more days auroras can theoretically be seen here."

Part of the Gamma Cygni Region Including IC 1318a

Terry Hancock/Down Under Observatory

Part of the Gamma Cygni region that includes IC 1318a. This image is one of several of the Gamma Cygni region captured by astrophotographer Terry Hancock of the DownUnder Observatory.


Chris Cook Photography

Astrophotographer Chris Cook took a self-portrait under the night sky over Nobska Lighthouse at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, on May 16, 2015.

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Tom Chao
Tom Chao has contributed to as a producer and writer since 2000. As a writer and editor, he has worked for the Voyager Company, Time Inc. New Media, HarperCollins and Worth Publishers. He has a bachelor’s degree in Cinema Production from the University of Southern California, and a master’s degree from NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study. To find out what his latest project is, you can follow Tom on Google+.